Rock View has become a favourite location for bird watchers from North America and Europe. More than 300 species of birds have been identified at and around Rock View. Check out our bird list compiled by birder authorities who have spent many-a-dawn chasing Guyana’s 800+ avian species. And it doesn’t end with birds: we are located in one of the planet’s most biodiverse regions with scores of animals and plants to amaze both the experienced nature lover and the casual observer as well.

Rock View makes an ideal base for biking and hiking across the savannahs and villages around the lodge. Ride horseback with our vacqueiros and lead cattle out for a day’s grazing. Or head out on the Rupununi River to see the Victoria Regia lilies on ox-bow lakes. You can try your hand at some fishing or enjoy a picnic on the sandy banks of the river. Our well trained guides will help you learn more about a community of people who has lived in harmony with nature for centuries.

Culture & Art
The peace and tranquility of the Rupununi savannas is on grand display at Rock View, creating conducive environment for creativity and the pursuit of the arts. The gardens and the bird life create an ideal setting to listen to good music, read your favourite books, write and paint away to your heart’s delight. The lodge also boasts an impressive library and art collection. Our proximity to Annai Village, 250 meters from the lodge, opens the doors to numerous culture exchange opportunities unlike any other in South America. (read more)

Staying at Rock View you’ll have a chance to visit community conservation sites managed by Amerindian villagers such as the Paurine tree conservation project by the village of Rupertee, the Cock of the Rock lek managed by Wowetta, the rainforest camp and nature trail at Aranaputa, the Butterfly Farm at Fair View Village, the arapaima conservation projects on the Rupununi River, plus a variety of projects at the Bina Hill Institute including the womens’ soap-making collective, an ecotourism development center, community radio station, wildlife clubs, and numerous other youth development programs.

Photographers will delight in extraordinary scenes of the natural world, coupled with the beautiful people who call this piece of land home. Bring plenty of extra storage cards because you’re sure to go trigger-happy when you discover our extraordinary plants, insects, modes of transport, and meals! Our guides understand the different needs of wildlife watchers and wildlife photographers, and whenever possible we operate tours and excursions separately for these different kinds of explorers to ensure a comfortable pace for everyone. Don’t forget a good macro lens for the amazing insect life. Our Travellers’ Tips page has additional kit suggestions

Visit the Rupununi
To make your visit a more memorable one, extended stays and more adventurous trips on the Rupununi River, to the Pakaraima Mountains, to Brazil and further afield can be arranged. We can also arrange visits to other exciting locations such as the Iwokrama River Lodge and Resesarch Centre and Atta Lodge at the Iwokrama Canopy Walkway. We’re perfectly situated to help you get to the Amerindian-run ecolodges at Surama, Rewa, or Nappi’s Maipaima Eco-Lodge, the ranches at Karanambu and Dadanawa, or the fascinating Caiman House Field Station in Yupukari (read more about our central location)
The Panorama Nature Trail
Available hikes include guided walks both on the savannah and the foothills of the close-by Pakaraima mountains. The Panorama Nature Trail was developed by Rock View with the great support of Capatache Uncle Dennis Franscipio firstly as a conservation project in keeping with the ideals of the Iwokrama Rainforest Program for Research and Development, but then as a favourite for visitors to enjoy and have interpreted to them the names of the trees, wildlife and the many birds that can be seen. The forested mountainside trail has all the useful aids for visitors of all ages to use and to enjoy great views over the savannahs towards the mighty Kanuku mountain range some 80 kilometres away to the south. It was later learnt from a visiting archaeologist who together with the local shamaan that the mountainside itself held a very spiritual significance to the Makushi people, having been a place for the healing of the sick and the preparation of the most potent form of curari used by the hunters to smear to the tips of their arrow heads and blow darts.