The Rock View Ranch endeavors to produce as much homegrown produce for consumption by visitors. This ensures fresh and healthy food at all times and simplifies the sourcing of inputs into the business as well as promoting what can be done with good husbandry techniques under what may seem an inhospitable climate with poor soil type and rain distribution. All twenty acres of the leased land receive water distributed from the well thus allowing the livestock to drink water from self replenishing water troughs and to water the five acres of orchard and garden from stand pipes at strategic points. As a result a variety of fresh fruits are available at most times of the year as well as flowering and foliage plants for the home.
Below are the trees on the Panorama Nature Trail on the Mountain of the Sacred Table
The listing of trees below was prepared by Linsford LaGoudou, Iwokrama’s tree spotter. It represents only a beginning of what is required for the identification of the flora of our forest. Hopefully we shall be in a position of listing the beautiful orchids, heliconias and other beautiful plants of our majestic plant kingdom.