Rock View Lodge has become a favourite location for bird watchers from North America and Europe.
Bird Lists
Exciting bird lists have been prepared for the villages of Annai and Surama as well as for the Canopy Walkway and the Field Station in the Iwokrama Rainforest. Visitors can see for themselves how the distribution of birds varies from savannah to mountain, river and rainforest. Enthusiasts will be able to have the thrill of being able to add to these lists for future visitors and bird lovers.
Taxonomy of this list follows the AOU South American Checklist Committee’s baseline list, version 12-Oct-2006, with some minor alternations. For the complete list, please see the Louisiana Museum of Natural History.
Notes of Appreciation
Gratitude for the preliminary list must be given to the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia with special mention to David Agro, Sally Conyne, Robert Ridgely and Bret Whitney, as well as Davis Finch and Travis MacClendon of Wings Birding Tours and Daniel and Bradford Allicock of the village of Surama.
Recent updates on Rock View Lodge and the Panorama Nature Trail on the Mountain of the Sacred Table were also kindly prepared by Richard Cruise of Birdwatching Breaks and Colin Crooke of Naturetrek. Appreciation is also given to Nick Athanas of Tropical Birding for revising and updating the list in 2006.
The combining of the three bird lists into one was done at Rock View Lodge.
Birds of Guyana – Smithsonian
In 2007 a team led by Michael J. Braun, Davis W. Finch, Mark B. Robbins and Brian K. Schmidt prepared a comprehensive list for the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. An electronic copy of the booklet they published in conjunction with USAID can be downloaded here.

Birds of Northen South America Vol 2
Winner of the 2007 National Outdoor Book Award (NOBA) for Nature Guidebooks, the two companion volumes of this extensive and detailed guide provide detailed accounts of every known bird species in the vast region from Ecuador to French Guiana. They also illustrate virtually every plumage variation in full color.
Locally curated ticklist on Google Docs
Previous guests to the area have built list of 552 bird species observed for Annai (savannah, mountains and river), Surama (savannah, mountains, river and rainforest) and the Iwokrama Rainforest (mainly rainforest with mountains and rivers). These lists are constantly being updated. Click to view as a Google Spreadsheet.